Long-Term Support

The OpenSats LTS Grant program is not bound to meatspace. Developers may apply independent of geographical location.

In addition to our general application criteria, LTS Grant applicants must:

  • have a track record of making high-quality and high-impact open-source contributions to Bitcoin or related projects.
  • be comfortable with working in public, as well as committed to transparency and accountability. OpenSats is 501(c)(3) public charity, and grantees are expected to commit to providing regular updates on progress towards OpenSats and the public at large.
  • be self-motivated, self-driven, and able to work independently. Grantees must thrive in an open-source development environment, which is a little- to no-management environment.
  • be able to work collaboratively and constructively with potential users and other open-source contributors.

If the above does not apply to you, please consider applying for a General Grant instead.

Who Are You?

What Will You Work On?

Anything Else We Should Know?

Final Questions

OpenSats may require each recipient to sign a Grant Agreement before any funds are disbursed. Using the reports and presentations required by the Grant Agreement, OpenSats will monitor and evaluate the expenditure of funds on a quarterly basis. Any apparent misuse of grant funds will be promptly investigated. If OpenSats discovers that the funds have been misused, the recipient will be required to return the funds immediately, and be barred from further distributions. OpenSats will maintain the records required by Revenue Ruling 56-304, 1956-2 C.B. 306 regarding distribution of charitable funds to individuals.